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Thursday, August 19, 2010

As Promised ~ drumroll pleeez

Check out this booty (mind out of the gutter please). I mean all this crazy great awesome flea market goodness that I picked up in Cape Cod last week. I also had the wonderful fortune of finding a French Estate Sale. A lovely woman who has lived on the Cape for 66 years and came to the US when she was 12 years old from France. She traveled the world several times over and had the most interesting items for sale.  I am putting most of these items in my FBV shop tonight if I get a breather ~ I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed the sales.

I LOVE a good party and these 2 are fabulous ~
I am linking up with Flea Market Friday @ Lemoncholys Flight of Fancy and also
Show & Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home ~ Links @ sidebar

Have a great weekend everyone ~

Dee XO


  1. Oh I LOVE it all!!! I'll be checking out your shop... Hugs, Donna

  2. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! AWESOME finds!!!! :):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Oh wow....a gal after my own heart...I do so love 'em all. Great treasures you brought home with you.

    Here's My SnT for the week Hope you can drop by for a visit.

  4. Too good to be true and a slab of marble!

  5. Oh Dee those candles sconces are to die for!! Have a great weekend!!

  6. Such a wonderful timeyou all had ...
    How we all love the hunt...and such pretty things you eneded up with.
    That first photograph looks like a Still Life painting. LOVE IT.


  7. Dee I am glad you had a good time and found some bargains. That they are from a French woman is just perfect. I hope you see out. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. There really is something special about your french pieces. How lucky you were to find her and her YOU!

  9. Love the patina on the tall candelstick in the first photo (if that's what it is....)

    thanks for playing!


  10. WOW! What a great sale and wonderful treasures! I would love to find a "french womans" finds.....but I am afraid it would have to be a "Paris Texas" sale! LOL
    Happy Junkin...Cathy aka GGJ

  11. Hi Dee, you are so lucky! These are wonderful finds. Can't wait to take a look at them on your shop. I am having a giveaway I would love it if you stopped by for a look. Happy Friday.


  12. Just gorgeous! what a treat it would've been to go to that sale. I especially love the wall sconces! Oooh, la, la!

  13. Love your Cape Cod finds. I will be going over to check out my your site today:)
    Capers of the vintage vixens


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