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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Its Party time.......

Who'd of thunk it?  These days, the biggest parties I go to on Friday's are on Blogger. That thought hit me tonight while I got all excited for the following Friday Parties: They are actually awesome and I look forward to them every time. This week Debra from Common Ground's party, hit's the list with "Vintage Inspiration Friday".   Also linking to, Flea Market Fridays, Vintage Black Friday and Show & Tell Friday. Oh My!! My dance card is full (somewhat pathetic...but look at it this way - no hangover:)

Links to all these great parties are on my sidebar.
without further ado ~ some of my most favorite Vintage Black Inspirational Flea Market Lovelies  are.........................

Thanks for being my Friday night dates. I hope this doesn't start a nasty rumor that I "get around".
Have a Great weekend everyone

Dee xo


  1. Hey, we must both be at the computer, we posted within 20 seconds of each other. The fleur de lis box to die for! Never can have enough fleur de lis!

  2. Love being your "date" tonight Dee, so glad you linked up to the new party, I hope everyone else feels comfortable adding one more to their "dance card". Love all your great black treasures, that trunk is wonderful!!

  3. ~*~Im joining in the party fun!!! your blog!!~*~* Rachel

  4. Love your items. The candleholder shape in wonderful. Always enjoy your posts. I also wanted to tell you about our new Giveaway Friday (goes up Thursday evenings). It's a convenient place for bloggers to link their giveaways and a one stop shop for readers to find them! Hope to see you there.


  5. Your trunk is just darling. I confess I cannot keep up with all the parties. hugs♥olive

  6. Hi Dee, thanks so much for popping over to my blog and leaving a comment.. it made me giggle actually! I love all your flea market finds, especially the trunk.. what a beauty! take care, Maryann

  7. Fun times! Love your black inspirations!

  8. Dee
    I love that necklace, girl you found the best stuff. I am over the top about these parties to link up to. Have a great holiday weekend. Thanks for the great share.


  9. happy friday! i really love the green thing that says "Verdun" - very pretty color! the photo is also quite cool.

    thanks for playing!


  10. Oh my goodness- you have so much adorable stuff! Love all of it!

  11. Oh what pretties you are showing us today! Don't you love seeing what everyone else finds while out estate shopping or thrifting? I have the bug and there is no way it is going away! LOL
    I love to par-tay, too. It's a great way to meet people you normally wouldn't see. We sometimes get caught up in our own little niche and don't branch out. So nice to find your blog.
    ~ Sue

  12. Lovely Treasures, and not to worry about the date.....what happens on Friday nights, stays with the participants......gorgeous blog!!

  13. Lovely treasures, I especially love the candle holder! Best way to spend a Friday night, my thought on it!

  14. I'm so glad that French Cupboard gets to be on your dance card! *smiles* Great vintage black finds this week. Thank you for sharing. Blessings... Polly
    French Cupboard & Counting Your Blessings

  15. just love your beautiful blog- inspirational...


  16. Hi Dee,
    Love all the pretty things you've shown. It's nice all the parties, just not enough time to get around at times, takes me 3 or 4 days since there are so many people joining in (which is wonderful!). I'm just running around this evening, not a part of the parties but wanted to stop by and say hello to you. Happy long weekend!

  17. Great black goodies! So glad you shared! I didn't have any black this week. ;-( But I love yours! Thanks for sharing.

  18. hope you had fun Dee! I was working blech. I will call you this afternoon, for real, not from my wine glass.

  19. This is beautiful!! I m hosting a 50 dollar CSN Giveaway and would love for you to stop by. Thanks Anu!


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