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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer Silver Sunday Bling

Wow!! Summer is flying by ~ Its time for another Silver Sunday already. Today I am showing some "key" elements (my lame attempt at being clever) in my FBV Bijioux department.

Next up ~ just some lovely sparkly  & crusty vintage baubles in my favorite madeliene mold.

My favorite jewelry case ~ a custom handmade tin repoussee cabinet.

Be sure to check out my sidebar for the Silver Sunday link hosted by Gypsy Fish 

Dee xo


  1. The three key pin is charming. I have worn pins for years. ~olive

  2. Hi Dee,
    your pin and earrings are stunning. Keys are always decorative. Your tin cabinet is a beauty and I am amazing how many wonderfull things you have decorated around it. Lovely,
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. Love all the bling but my fave is the jewel case, It is so unusual and I love unusual items..Christine

  4. The last picture is my favorite! How beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Dee:
    Everything is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your lovelies. Happy Silver Sunday. (My post will go up at midnight ET.)

  6. I just found your blog tonight. LOVE the tin cabinet. Also the sign on the previous post!!!

  7. Absolutely Beautiful ~ but most admit, I am Coveting that Lush Grey Velvet Fabric under the Key Pin ~ To Die For!
    Thanks for Sharing

  8. Oooo, pretties! I especially love the first pair of earrings and the Aurora Borealis pair in the 3rd pic. Visiting from Silver Sunday~

  9. Hi Dee,
    I've so enjoyed my visit to your beautiful blog. Love all the bling, but that jewel case is a bell-ringer!
    Thanks for stopping by and checking out my mermaids. I'm following you now, hope you'll stop back and do the same.

  10. How very pretty! ♥ ♥ ♥ that triple key pin...must go look that up on your other site.
    I'm enjoying my first (but not last) visit to your beautiful blog!

  11. All of your items are stunning! But I personally love the jewelry case!


  12. Oh how I love those earrings! I think jewelry with keys on it is one of my favorite things. I believe your blog just made me realize this! Thanks!! Followin' ya ;-)


  13. Hi Dee! Thanks SO much for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment! It is so much fun to connect with kindred hearts out there.

    And hey, nothing says that just because you're landlocked that you can't do a beach-cottage theme in your home! lol! Heaven's Walk sits in the midst of 12 acres of meadow/woods - tho it is 3 minutes away from 3 lakes. But I wanted to feel like I was living in my dream beach cottage every time I walked through the front door. So I put my foot down and so we're living in a farmhouse that's a beach cottage wanna-be! lolol!

    Have a wonderful day - and chat later!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  14. I've never seen that type of jewelry case before - it's great! I want one now. I love the old pins also. Just a few years ago I thought that type of jewelry was gaudy and now I can't get enough of it.

    I checked out your etsy shop also. Cute items.

  15. Oh, Dee that jewelry case is just gorgeous! I love all your silver bling! thanks for stopping by and participating in Silver Sunday see you next month....

  16. So glad to have found your beautiful blog.
    I can see why the repoussee cabinet is a favorite. It's stunningly beautiful, and unusual to. I love it!



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