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Monday, July 5, 2010

Summer Lovin'

Linking up with Faded Charm for White Wednesday and Show & Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home (links on sidebar) to show you some goodies.

I know we are having a heat wave here in Connecticut ~ but I am diggin' it! No, I don't live on the shore or have a glorious inground pool ~ I just love the hot. We don't get it all the time here, so when it finally comes, I am like a cockroach ~ I thrive.

So, yesterday (after making brownies & tater salad for a later picnic) I decided that new photos for French Bleu Vintage were needed. I have soooo many new (old) things from the Flea etc. just getting stockpiled. Time to show & tell:

Lookie at this old gal ~ fantastic doesn't describe her. I always wanted a Santos figurine but they were SO expensive. Plus I could never tell if they were really vintage or just a $$$ catalog knockoff. Now, I could be wrong, but I think She is authentic. The wood is really worn down, dirt still in her face, a tad wobbly - plus I have no idea where her arms are. I also got a lesson in her history. Apparently, the skirt fabric color would be changed by the Parish workers to coincide with a particular religious celebration. Also, no hair because she had a real hair wig with halo once. The wings did not come with Her. I actually found them a few tables away and the woman gave me a great deal so home they came. Im not sure I am sold on them even though they look perfect.

Also, I am loving this "Home Sweet Home" sign SO much that I bought 3 for the shop and one for me. The rusty metal accent just makes it POP!

I have had these fantastic Collage Art Charms, made by a local collage artist, in the storage room for so long and never got around to listing them ~ what is wrong with me??? They are great. I especially love the "NEST" charm. I just realized how much bird themed items I have. I think I need a whole department just for them.

Forecast says is going to be another scorcher here ~99 really is pretty hot for CT (although I know some of you live in areas where that is downright chilly:) but now I am kind of wiped out. I think I'm going to stay inside the nice a/c for awhile and catch up on my blog reading and list some new items. I do feel a little guilty about that, the kids are home and no work today. I guess I'll give in and let them play video games until the caffeine kicks in.

Dee xo


  1. i'm giddy with delight ... somehow in the past year I lost track of you ...
    was shuffling thru the sidebar at Dustylu and found you again ...

    whew ... you're going right back on my sidebar ....

    let's chat

  2. Dee, maybe you have been exposed to too much heat cause to say you like hot oh my it makes this southern gal swoon. Your finds are pretty and I like them. Keep up the good work. ~olive

  3. Hey dee

    I am so in love with your santos, I want one so badly as well but can't spend the $$$ hope that you can brave the heat sweet girl.

    sending you love from Cali


  4. I am loving your new finds. I am with you on the hot. We in Buffalo get a lot of bad rap for the snow, but when it does get really hot, I love it. It makes it so worth living with snow for 4-6 months.

  5. Love all of your finds:) I like the heat *with out the humidity) too! It is supposed to get to 100 degrees here today. Should be interesting.Enjoy the heat:)Brimfield next week...WOOOOHOOOOO!!!
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  6. Love the Santos Figurine and the Robins eggs in the nest! Really, it is all great but those were the 2 that screamed out to me!!!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  7. Don't now what I love more: your treasures or you weather!!! It's been sooo bad here, it even rained today!!!

  8. Your robin blue eggs are so cute and I love that "Home Sweet Home" sign. Actually, I like everything!...Christine

  9. Oh goodness, I love everything you've shown today! That Home Sweet Home sign is so pretty and unique, and those button cards, well I wish they put buttons on cards like that these days!
    Happy WW!

  10. Oh heavenly stuff! Love your blog, just found you through your comment. I'll keep up, thanks for such inspiration...
    Becky C
    Buckets of Burlap

  11. Love the HOme Sweet Home sign!!!

  12. Great stuff. I am now going to have a looksy in your store. Just wish I had some money to buy. So for now, I will be window shopping only. Thanks for stopping by my blog & taking the time to comment.

  13. Great stuff! I always wondered about those tall, wooden lady figures - Santos! The wings were just meant for her.

    I also love the sign, eggs and the crusty iron candle holder thingy! I love crusty iron stuff.

    Hope you have a great WW! I love the HOT too, seems like so many of us in Southern CA complain but I love it!


  14. Hi Dee, this midwest girl crumples in the heat. If I don't have water to slosh in I'm a gonner! Love your Santos, interesting info about them. Didn't know their history. And love those buttons and signs!

  15. Hi Dee! What a great blog you have here - and I'm headed right over to check out the treasures you have in your shop! Woo hoo! I'm with you, girl -- lovin' this heat in Michigan, too! It's what we wait all winter for, isn't it? And we're not gonna complain...not one little bit! lol!

    I'm a happy follower! Have a great weekend!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  16. Your vintage goodies are wonderful!! I especially LOVE your vintage bottles! Thanks for sharing. :)
    I came over via Show & Tell Friday at My Romantic Home.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    ~ Jo :)

  17. Hello Dee, you sure have some awesome things, I love those necklaces, I love the replica doll, and so so Love those vintage game boards... Amazing pieces- you have a great eye...


Your sweet comments are most graciously appreciated