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Monday, September 27, 2010

THE BIG 200!!! Giveaway

Im so hi-strung, I need a few of these

Actually, I never thought I would get here ~ 200 Followers? Really? You are all waaaayyy too kind. But seriously, why are you here? I can't possibly be writing anything thats all that fascinating (my life is extremely flatlining) Which brings me to the conclusion....its my "Stuff". And I am very pleased with that epiphany because its what I do - its what I love. I totally enjoy finding  really cool stuff to show and tell to all you wonderful followers. It makes me so  happy to do it and know that I am not the only one that actually likes it.
Love these LED "Flameless" candles
Therefore ~ lets bring 200 followers in with a BANG! I am going to part with a few of my very favorite things. Because I think your fun comments and continued loyalty totally deserves it.
Lovely dragonfly in ceiling~tin frame
So in order to be in the running to win one of these lovelies -  leave a comment. I am waaay to busy for complicated rules. Simply leave a comment - a suggestion - a compliment (always nice:) - whatever you  like and of course, be a follower. Then, I will let Pearce (my statisically inclined middle child) pick 3 numbers next Monday - so you have a whole week. I wish I could bestow 200 lovely gifts upon you all ~ but then I'd be outta business:) So I hope a great big Thank You will suffice.

Merci ~
Dee XO


  1. Your blog and 'stuff' are just great! That is why I follow you:) Congratulation on 200 followers!!!That is awesome!
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. I'm not surprised you have 200 followers. I can't speak for anyone else obviously but I stick around because I love your beautiful items and the lovely pictures you share! Am especially loving those pillows in the top pic! Hope I win. :)

  3. Congratulations on 200!! Your writing , inspiring posts is what keeps me coming back!

    What a thoughtful and generous giveaway! I'm with you on the Keep calm .... take care my friend... HHL

  4. Congrats on 200 followers! Love your blog and all of your nice things...keep up the good work!

  5. ~*~*Congrats on 200!!! Love your blog~*~* Hugs,Rachel ;)

  6. Love your Keep Calm pillows......thanks for doing the giveaway! Lynn

  7. I found your blog through the PM Party and just recently became a follower. Your blog is so lovely, I am happy to be one of the 200!

  8. Congratulations on hitting the big 200!! And it's not just your "stuff" that we love! Thanks for the opportunity to win one of these great lovelies!

    Kat :)

  9. Oh, Dee, bravo! Just fabulous and well deserved. Reading your pretty posts is one of the highlights of my day. J x

  10. Dee ~ it is always fun to come for a visit! You always have great things to share with beautiful photos...and you are very witty!!

  11. Hi Dee! Congrats on the big 200!
    I love stopping by and reading about all of your amazing adventures...finding wonderments to fill you store!
    It's always a fun visit!
    I hope you double your numbers~really soon!
    Hugs my friend,

  12. Very generous, all the items are wonderful! love the pillows.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win something :)


  13. Congrats on 200 followers! How awesome :)

  14. I've followed your blog not only for your great stuff but the personality that comes thru. Now that I've met you in the flesh I love you even more.
    Congrats on this milestone!!!


  15. Congrats on your 200 followers. I can't wait till I receive 200 followers too.

  16. I found you a couple of weeks ago through The Little Round Table and the fleur-de-lis covered chest she purchased. I loved it and had to see what other great stuff the seller of that chest had. Needless to say, I'm sold. Great blog and cute store!

  17. Great giveaway! Congrats on 200, I am happy to be the newest, yay! XX!

  18. Just found you today thru a link. I am so new to this blog thing,( )but will gladly follow you! Thanks for the give-away and congrats on the 200 peeps! (I have the keep calm and carry on on my blog, so I need this lovely pillow!) Thanks again!!

  19. I am number 200!!!Yay!!!! HAPPY 200 to you and many more I hope!!! Please count me in! I would love to win such lovely things! Thanks and have a wonderful week

  20. I enjoy seeing your "stuff" and your entertaining writing style. Congrats on 200 followers and thanks for the chance to win.

  21. Love to look! Just wish I could have it ALL...
    Thanks for sharing a part of yourself with us

  22. I just discovered your blog recently and am really enjoying it! I would love to win this wonderful giveaway! karen....

  23. Congrats!!! YAY!
    Count me in :)


Your sweet comments are most graciously appreciated