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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

White Vintage Vases

Vintage McCoy Cornucopia
I just realized how many white vases I have. Im not even showing half of them. I love them all and most are for sale but a few I have selfishly kept for myself. Lately I have been finding some great McCoy pieces at my Flea. Same vendor too. I know he knows how much they may be worth, but he always gives me such a great discount, I can't pass them up.
This broken oil lamp is my keeper ~ check out its rusty base
Very tall and rare hourglass shaped McCoy
Im too lazy to run upstairs and get the name - but I know it was good (pathetic)

I know its pink (just seeing if your still awake)

This last piece is so sweet, I had to include it. Shabby doesn't even begin to describe it. Not a repro. Has some very faded makers mark on the bottom plus its beginning to craze a little on the bottom. Its really too shallow to be a vase and almost too small to be a bowl or candy dish. To me, it looks like a fingertip bowl, but I don't think it is. If you have any clues, please fill me in. Now I just got my November copy of Romantic Homes today (Yipee - it don't take much to make me happy these days) so I really must beg off to dreamland for some inspiration.

Also, please check out my prior post for a great Giveaway

Well, that concludes this White Wednesday's  stroll through the company store ~ Please swing by Faded Charm and say Hi to Kathleen and all the other lovely participants.

Merci ~
Dee XO


  1. Dee
    the white vases are gorgeous and the last piece is such a keeper. I always love to see what you are drawn to. Have a wonderful WW!!


  2. ...can we ever have enough white or pink ..or vases!

  3. I love white vases...the old oil lamp is my favorite!! Happy WW Dee!!

  4. I think you and I speak the same language!

  5. I'm paying attention-the pink one caught my eye right away because I simply love...... pink! Love the little pink surprise in the middle!

  6. I was awake, thank God...otherwise I could had missed that last cutie!!! LOL!!! Happy WW!!!

  7. LOVE your vases:) The oil lamp is my favorite though. So inventive and I am so on the look out for one;) Your last pink one is simply adorable. I would keep it too.
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  8. I love your white...and pink vases!
    The pink one is really precious!

  9. Thank you Dee for your comment. Glitterfest is an exciting show! I love your second vase, the iron pedestal is beautiful. Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  10. So gorgeous, I love white! I won a white nautilus shell vase not long ago, it is so lovely in my guest room! Love your sweet little world, happy to be your newest follower!


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